Students of St Kabir School Naranpura on 1st May performed a special assembly on “World Labour Day” to highlight the dignity of labourers around them.
They enlightened their fellow mates about heatstroke during extreme summer days. They discussed in the classrooms about helping the labourers working in the sun as they lay the foundation of our society. The students spread awareness among students from Class III to Class IX about heatstroke and measures to avoid it.
The students also appealed to sensitize the domestic helpers who come to work at their homes, the labourers seen around their houses, the courier boys and postmen who constantly move about during the day under the hot Sun. These students discussed the do’s and don’ts to protect against heatstroke.
Those who have to work in the sun and heat compulsorily, should:-
–> take fluids (water, lemonade, buttermilk) every half an hour
–> wear loose and cotton clothes
–> use a cap or dupatta on the head
–> eat freshly cooked food
–> after working for an hour or so, rest in a cool/ shady place for half an hour
–> finish most of the work before 1 pm
–> not wipe off sweat frequently asked it helps to keep the body cool by maintaining body temperature.